FernandezGrossoehme Hurlbert
Calloway Gelabert Grattan Hanna Harris
Owens Snyder
Geology: Boyer
Daley Werts
Physics: Amir Mahes
Student Accomplishments
Student Accomplishments
Student Accomplishments
Student Accomplishments
2016 Student Accomplishments
2015 Student Accomplishments
Chemistry at Winthrop Gains American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Accreditation
August 31, 2014 Rockville, MD - The American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) has added Winthrop to its roster of institutions offering ASBMB-accredited programs. Winthrop’s ACS Biochemistry Degree Track in Chemistry is South Carolina's first accredited ASBMB program. Winthrop is currently one of only 14 schools nationwide with this distinction: Goucher College, Hendrix College, Hope College, Northeastern University, Otterbein University, Pennsylvania State University, Purdue University, Roanoke College, Texas State University, University of California Davis, University of Tampa, Villanova University, Virginia Tech and Winthrop University!
Myers Wins South Carolina's 2012 Dwight Camper Outstanding Undergraduate
Research Award
3/30/2012 Columbia,
SC - The South Carolina Academy of Sciences announced the selection of Winthrop
chemistry major Jeff Myers as the sole recipient of the 2012 Dwight Camper Outstanding
Undergraduate Research Award. The Dwight Camper Award honors an undergraduate
student or team that has performed outstanding research as an undergraduate
student in any of the scientific fields supported by the SC Academy of
Science whose research has contributed to a science publication. This award consists of an honorarium of
$300 and a handsomely framed certificate that was presented in a special
ceremony at the South Carolina Academy of Sciences annual meeting on April
14. Following the ceremony Jeff made a 20 minute research presentation to the
Academy on organic synthesis research findings conducted at Winthrop under
the mentorship of Dr. Jay Hanna, Associate Professor of Chemistry. Upon
graduation from Winthrop in May 2012, Jeff will matriculate into the
Chemistry PhD program at the University of Virginia.
Winthrop Biochemistry Professor
Nick Grossoehme Receives Grant for Emerging
5/23/2011 TUCSON,
Ariz. - Research Corporation for Science Advancement will award
Winthrop chemistry faculty member Nicholas Grossoehme
a $35,000 grant as part of its spring 2011 Cottrell College Science Awards to
support 48 early career scientists at undergraduate institutions. Grossoehme, an assistant professor of chemistry, received
the award to conduct research on the "Biophysical Characterization of
Metal Homeostasis in Multiple Antibiotic Producing Streptomyces coelicolor." The financial support provided by the
grant will allow Grossoehme and undergraduate
research students to investigate how one organism of medicinal interest, Streptomyces coelicolor,
maintains the optimal concentration of critical metals. In addition to
potential scientific advances, the grant will give several Winthrop
undergraduates invaluable experience working in a laboratory and carrying out
their own research project to better prepare them for graduate school or a
career in a related field.
Winthrop Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty
Awarded $2.6 Million NIH Biomedical Research Grant
September 30, 2010. Ten Winthrop chemistry and biochemistry faculty
(Calloway, Grattan, Grossoehme, Hanna, Harris, Hurlbert, Lammi, Owens, Snyder,
& Sumter) were notified that the National Institutes of Health will
be funding South Carolina's proposed INBRE II biomedical research initiative
that includes $2.6 million for Winthrop. During the 2010-2015 period,
Winthrop's role will focus on strategic initiatives to demonstrate INBRE I
sustainability, to further expand biomedical research capacity, and to staff
and implement a science initiative to recruit, educate, and train even
greater numbers of students from diverse groups for biomedical graduate
research programs. Over the past five years, 20 Winthrop chemistry and biochemistry
students have entered PhD programs as an outcome of their undergraduate
Zach Curry's
Research Paper Wins 1st Prize at St Jude Children's Research
Hospital Oncology Education Program
September 26, 2010. Winthrop chemistry junior Zach Curry has been notified by St. Jude
Children's Research Hospital that his summer research paper "Peptide Ligand
Binding Studies of the HtrA2/Omi PDZ Domain using NMR and Circular Dichromism Spectrometry"
was the sole first prize winner in basic science for St. Jude Children's
Research Hospital summer 2010 Pediatric Oncology Education (POE)
Program. Funded by the National
Institutes of Health, the POE program offers opportunities for ten weeks of
research for students preparing for careers in the biomedical sciences,
medicine, nursing, pharmacy, psychology, or public health to gain biomedical
and oncology research experience. There were approximately 500 applicants and
36 undergraduates selected for the program this year. Zach's research faculty
mentor was Dr. Jie Zheng from Structural
Biology; his laboratory work was also mentored by St. Jude researcher
Cristina Guibao.
Professor Takita Sumter Wins First NIH AREA Grant
Ever Awarded to a Winthrop Faculty Member
May 21, 2009. Based upon the recommendation from a peer-review panel of biomedical
scientists, the National Cancer Institute has awarded Dr. Takita
Sumter a $232,500 grant for her cancer research "Structure Function Studies
of the HMGA1 Functional Domains Involved in Malignant Transformation." Since
its founding in 1886, this is the first NIH AREA grant ever awarded to a
Winthrop faculty member. During the 1990s,
President DiGiorgio sparked an initiative to make
investments in infrastructure to establish national caliber undergraduate
science programs at Winthrop. Dr.
Sumter was one of the outstanding science faculty recruited to Winthrop as an
outcome of these investments. Since
her arrival in 2004, Dr. Sumter has been a PI or co-PI
on several major NSF and NIH grants. She is the co-PI on Winthrop's INBRE II
proposal and serves on the national ASBMB committee for undergraduate
biochemistry education and minority affairs.
Chemistry Professor Robin Lammi Awarded
First Major NSF-RUI Research Grant in Winthrop University's History
May 20, 2009. The
National Science Foundation notified Winthrop President DiGiorgio
today that Dr. Robin Lammi, Assistant Professor of
Chemistry and INBRE target faculty, was awarded $251,274 for her proposed
undergraduate-centered research project "Probing Early Events in
Amyloid-beta Association by Single-Pair Forster Resonance Energy
Transfer." The grant provides materials, summer and academic year
student stipends, and funds for conference presentations over the next three
years. At Winthrop, Lammi and her students have assembled one of the few
single molecule spectroscopy setups in the Southeast and have begun
exploiting this capability to better understand physical processes that occur
at the molecular level during early stages of Alzheimer's disease. Two of Lammi's
former Winthrop research students are enrolled in PhD chemistry programs at
Clemson and USC. A third is headed to reknown SHERP science writing... More
Bethany Bush Wins National Undergraduate Student
Research Competition at 2009 ASBMB Meeting in New Orleans
April 19, 2009. Chemistry major Bethany Bush won the
top undergraduate research award in cell signaling at the 13th
Annual Undergraduate Student Research Poster Competition held during the
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) meeting in
New Orleans. Bethany's research,
conducted over the past three years in Sims under the mentorship of Dr. Takita Sumter, centered on linking increases in High
Mobility Protein Group (HMGP) expression with cell mutations that occur
during early stages of colon cancer. Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the US. A
better understanding of HMGP's role in colon cancer may ultimately lead to
more effective colon cancer treatment and therapies. This fall, Bethany will begin graduate
studies with Harvard Medical School's PhD program in Chemical Biology.
2008 Lemelson-MIT
Prize Winner, UNC Chemistry Professor, and 2008 Tar Heel of the Year Speaks
at Winthrop
18, 2009. Dr. Joseph DeSimone, Professor of Chemistry at UNC Chapel Hill, presented an inspiring talk today on
"Engineered Drug Therapies Enabled by Fabrication Processes from the
Electronics Industry" to an overflowing chemistry lecture room packed by more
than 100 enthusiastic Winthrop chemistry students and faculty. Dr. DeSimone outlined how technology was now driving basic
science research and described exciting applications of microelectronic
fabrication techniques that were providing, for the first time in human
history, monodispersed nanoparticles with specifically
designed shapes, charges, sizes, and chemical properties to allow targeted
drug delivery to cancer cells. The
seminar was followed by a reception for Dr. DeSimone
hosted by the Student Affiliate of the American Chemical Society (SAACS) and
by the Winthrop student chapter of the National Organization for Black
Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE)... More
Lisa Kingsmore
Selected to First-Team Academic All-American Division I Women's Softball
27, 2008. Chemistry major Lisa Kingsmore is one of
11 Division I softball student-athletes nationally chosen to First-Team ESPN
The Magazine Academic All-American Women's Softball Team. Lisa is a
rising senior completing Winthrop's ACS-approved Biochemistry program next
year followed by funded graduate work in chemistry or biochemistry...More
Aaron Hartel
Awarded First ACS Petroleum Research Fund Grant in Winthrop's History
April 15, 2008. The
American Chemical Society has announced that Dr. Aaron Hartel
has been awarded Winthrop's first American Chemical Society Petroleum
Research Fund Grant. The $65,000 grant
is for 40 months and will...More
University Fall 2007 Alumni Magazine Features Chemistry Student Research and
"In this issue of
the Winthrop Magazine, I encourage you to read about the
thriving Department of Chemistry program that emphasizes advanced
faculty-student research and rigorous academic course work, all of which have
resulted in numerous prestigious national awards for several recent graduates."
Anthony J. DiGiorgio, President, Winthrop University
Sarah Wengryniuk Is One of
Nation's Five "Women in Chemistry" Merck Index Scholarship Recipients for
Chemistry major and recent graduate, Sarah Wengryniuk, is one of five students nationwide
selected as a 2007 Merck Index "Women in Chemistry" scholarship
recipient. Awards were presented during the Women in Industry breakfast
at the Boston ACS meeting in August. The five recipients later made
presentations on their undergraduate research during a special award symposium.
Sarah's talk centered on organic synthesis involving silyl-lithium
reagents to selectively reduce alpha, beta-epoxycarbonyls. The results Sarah presented in Boston were
from research conducted on the third floor of Sims over the course of three
academic semesters and one summer under the mentorship of Dr. Aaron Hartel. Merck
is providing Sarah with a $5,000 graduate scholarship. In August, Sarah began a Ph.D. in chemistry
at Duke; the other four Merck recipients recently began graduate studies in
chemistry at Princeton, Cal-Berkley, Stanford, and MIT.
Wake Forest, Winthrop & WCU Chemistry
Team Earn Homeland Security Funding
29, 2007. ROCK HILL, S.C.
- The National Science Foundation recently announced that a team of
researchers from Wake Forest, Winthrop
University (Cliff Calloway),
and Western Carolina...More
Chemistry Faculty Awarded NSF Major Research
Instrumentation (MRI) Grant
14, 2007. The National Science Foundation recently announced
that chemistry faculty Jason Hurlbert, Cliff
Calloway, Takita Sumter, and Chasta
Parker have been awarded $282,309 to
Dr. Sumter Awarded
Largest NSF Research Grant in Winthrop's History
February 2, 2006. The National Science Foundation
announced today that Dr. Takita F. Sumter,
Assistant Professor of Chemistry, has been awarded a $167,428 Research
Initiation Grant (RIG) .....More
Winthrop Biochemistry Program Gains ACS Approval
January 11, 2006. The American Chemical Society
(ACS) Committee on Professional Training (CPT) has added Winthrop University
to the institutions offering ACS-approved programs in biochemistry....More
Winthrop Chemistry Faculty
Awarded $2.4 Million NIH Biomedical Research Grant
Nov 9, 2005. A team of five Winthrop chemistry faculty (Calloway, Lammi, Owens, Parker, & Sumter) were recently
notified that the National Institutes of Health will be funding their
proposed five year initiative to increase biomedical research capacity on
campus. Over the next five years, Winthrop University
will receive nearly $2.4 million from the NIH to assist in accomplishing
this goal...More
Winthrop Chemistry Programs Gains ACS Approval
Sep 22, 2004 The American Chemical Society (ACS)
Committee on Professional Training (CPT) has added Winthrop University to
its roster of institutions offering ACS-approved programs in chemistry. More...
Anna Vagstad is South
Carolina's Selection for 2004 NCAA Woman of the Year
Sep 14, 2004. Chemistry major and Winthrop
volleyball player Anna Vagstad has been named
as South Carolina's Selection for the NCAA Woman of the Year. More. ..
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