Study Guide for Section I( Ch. 1)

Chapter 0: A Review of Classical Physics

For a Good Review of Classical Physics Visit This Link

bullet List the major branches of classical and modern physics.
bullet State Newton's Laws of Motion in words and mathematically.
bullet Give mathematical expressions for: Work (W), Kinetic Energy (K), and Potential Energy (U),
bullet State the principles of conservation of : (a) Energy, (b) Linear Momentum and (c) Angular Momentum.
bullet Look up Kepler's Second Law and explain that it is a consequence of the conservation of Angular Momentum
bullet Consider the motion of a simple pendulum. Where in its position does it have all its energy (E): (a) equal to Potential Energy (U); (b) equal to Kinetic energy (K), (c) equal to U+K.
bullet Visit the nonrelativistic Doppler Shift   website.   by NASA .This should supplement the 4-line paragraph in page 14. It has pictures, derivation and even a song! and Quiz!

Chapter 1:  1A Relativity I: Kinematics (Section 1.1 -1.7

bullet State the initial purpose of the Michelson-Morley Experiment. What was the result of this experiment.
bullet Show clearly the result of the Michelson-Morley Experiment is consistent with the prediction of the special theory of relativity. i.e. it can be explained using length contraction or time dilation. (Read Appendix A)
bullet Be able to calculate effects of  length contraction and time dilation (see examples in the book)
bullet State the two Einstein's postulates  What are these postulates a foundation for?
bullet Be able to write and use the Lorentz Transformations form (x,y,z, t) to (x',y'.z' and t').
bullet Be able to obtain the expressions for length contraction and time dilation from Lorentz transformation
bullet Be able to use the  Relativistic Doppler shift to calculate the relative speeds of a source and detector. e.g. the recession or approach speed of distant stars or even cars and airplanes.  Use this link  check v/c for red shift
bullet Einstein's 2nd postulate demands than c+v = c-v = c . How is this possible?
bullet For  a good review an animations related to length contraction, time dilation, twin paradox, pole in the barn etc. visit  this link.
bullet HW1  (1.1-1.7) .  1, 2, 3, 13,15,20,21,22,28,29,34,39,38. Please show your detailed work.

Chapter 1  IB Relativity : Dynamics (Sections 1.8-1.13)


Be familiar  with expression for relativistic mass, momentum and energy.


Be familiar with the momentum four vector. With energy as the fourth vector.


Be able to use the famous formula E = mc2  to calculate energy generated in fusion and fission


Be able to calculate binding energies for nuclei and atoms.


Study the invariants for space-time eq.2-30 and four energy and momentum 2-31


Be able to explain how mass less particles such as  photons and neutrinos can have energy and momentum


Be able to state how the the special theory of relativity differs from the general theory of relativity.


List some of the predictions of general relativity  that has been been verified and some that have yet to be verified by experiment.

A link for reviewing relativity & other topic in physics


A simple derivation of Lorentz Transformation based on Length Contraction