Phys 212: Physics with Calculus

Text: Fundamentals of Physics Extended, Ninth Edition

Professor: Dr. Mesgun Sebhatu, Sims 203. Office hrs: 10 - 10:50 MWF. or by appointment

E-mail : Tel: Office=323- 4935

Brief description of the course and some advice: The PHYS 211-212 sequence covers the major branches of classical physics: PHYS 211 deals with mostly mechanics, and wave motion while PHYS 212 covers mostly thermodynamics and electromagnetism. The course emphasizes understanding of fundamental physics concepts and principles as well as the development of conceptual and analytical problem solving skills by using physics concepts, principles and mathematics in the solution of various interesting and challenging real world problems. This course should also help you review and master your algebra, trigonometry, and enable you to appreciate your calculus by putting it to work in physics. In this course, rote memorization is discouraged. Formulas and constants will be provided during test periods. Use of calculators is encouraged. In fact, it would be difficult to survive in the course without a good scientific calculator and the skill needed to use it to solve problems.

PHYS 211-212 is primarily intended for chemistry, computer science, engineering, mathematics, and physics students. However, some outstanding life science students elect to take this course instead of PHYS 201-202. PHYS 211 is the first semester of a one-year general physics (PHYS 211-212) course that utilizes calculus. MATH 201 -- a one semester calculus -- is a prerequisite for this course. Phys 211L and Phys 212L are required lab components of Phys 211 and Phys 212 respectively.

The major objectives and expected outcomes of PHYS 211-212 are:

·       Develop an understanding of basic concepts and principles in physics that are the foundation for all science and technology

·        Develop conceptual and analytical problem solving skills that are indispensable for any professional in the  physical, life and health sciences

·        Develop an understanding of the role physics plays in everyday life and in technology

·        Develop the ability to express scientific ideas clearly and concisely both quantitatively and in words

In the labs (Phys 211L-212L) the major objective is for students to practice the scientific method hands on.  Given a purpose, they test a hypothesis or a principle of physics. They are expected to learn how:

·        To perform a series of experiments and acquire sets of data using a computer and/or direct observation every week for three hours.

·        To statically analyze their data using a spreadsheet or other software for calculations and curve fitting.

·        To compare their experimental values with expected values and calculate % errors.

·        To arrive at a conclusion that relates to a hypothesis (or purpose) and writes a concise and clear conclusion.

·    To learn how collaborate. i.e., suggest ideas, agree and disagree with their peers and even their instructor.

The students learn physics by understanding basic concepts and then doing problems.  Mere Memorization of formulas or facts do not help much. It does not take a lot of effort to memorize F= ma or E =mc2 . The students will discover that using these and other simple looking formulas  to solve a plethora of physics  problems requires deep understanding of concepts  and a lot of  practice.   You will use the  WileyPlus website frequently  to practice as well to  submit  homework that will be computer graded. 

(If you were not in PHYS 211 last semester, please click on the WileyPlus link and register immediately)

Study Tips for Introductory Physics Students

Tentative Course Outline and Test Schedule

The course is divided into four convenient units. There will be a test on each unit. Study guides will be posted for each unit. The study guides will be updated as needed. Pleae revisit the website to get up-to-date information  Changes in the tentative schedule will be announced in class or via e-mail  at least a day in advance  

Unit I: Thermodynamics

Ch. 18 Temperature, Heat, and the 1st Law of Thermodynamics Ch. 19 The Kinetic Theory of Gases Study Guide I 
Ch. 20. Heat Engines. Entropy, and the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics Check WileyPlus for Homework Test 1:  Wed. Feb. 16

Unit II: Electrostatics

h 22 & 23.Electric Charges and Electric Fields
Ch. 21. Electric Charge  

 Ch. 22 Electric Fields

Ch. 23 Gauss Law

Ch. 24  Electric potential. 


Study Guide II

Test 2:  Friday, March   11

Unit III: Electromagnetism I

 Ch. 25 Capacitance

Ch. 26 Electric Current and     Resistance

27. Direct Current (DC) Circuits


Study Guide III

Test 3: Friday,  April 15

Unit IV: Electromagnetism II

Ch, 28  & 29  Magnetic Fields   Ch. 32. Maxwell's Equation Study Guide IV
Ch.  30. Faraday's Law and Induction   Test 4: Monday ,  April 25

A Comprehensive Final Exam on units I. to IV.  Monday, May 2  8:00-10:00 AM

Computation of Final Grades : The best three test grades will contribute 12 % each (total from tests = 36%). Homework

  ( 14%). The weekly lab grades will be averaged and contribute 25%. The comprehensive final will contribute 25%.

36% (Tests) +14%(Home Work) + 25% (Lab) + 25%(final) = 100 %

Even though class grade distribution may affect the assignment of the letter grades will be as follows:

Above 90% is an "A", 80% - 84% is a "B", 85%-89% is a"B+",70% - 74% is a "C",

75%-79% is a "C+" 60% - 64% is a "D", 65%-69% is a "D+" and below 60% is an "F".

 Makeup Tests: If a student misses one monthly test, he obtains a "0" for it and loses the opportunity to have his worst test score dropped. It will be dangerous to miss more than one test. There are no provisions for makeup tests under normal circumstances.

Class Attendance Policy: The attendance policy followed in this course is the same as that which appears in the current Winthrop University Catalog. Briefly, "If a student's absences in a course total 25% or more of the class meetings for the course, the student will receive a grade of N, F, or U, which ever is appropriate." Please read your catalog for details. The professor will determine when taking attendance is appropriate. If all the members of the class are present, there is no need to take attendance. Students who leave early or come excessively late for reasons that are not clear to the instructor may be marked absent. Class participation is a major requirement. The course will use a Personal Response System that records the participation of each student.

General Education Requirements: Phys 212 and the co-requisite Phys212l fulfill four hours of general education requirement for a natural science course with a laboratory component. Listed below are the seven fundamental student learning outcomes for natural science courses as well as examples of how they will be fulfilled in this course.

Students should be:

1.  Conversant with a few fundamental concepts from among the three main areas of natural science, including earth, life, and physical sciences. (e.g., The applications of the laws of thermodynamics in transfer of energy in our environment, in machines and living organisms. The consequences of electromagnetic gadgets in our everyday life. )

2. Able to apply the scientific methodologies of inquiry. (e.g., Phys 212l laboratory exercises and experiments.)

3. Able to discuss the strengths and limitations of science. (e.g., discussion of how science is cumulative, ongoing and tentative—always subject to refinement.)

4. Able to demonstrate an understanding of the history of scientific discovery. (e.g. the development of the laws of thermodynamics. Maxwell’s laws of Electromagnetism, as well as optics. All these took over 300 years to be established. Heat was a caloric fluid and now it is thermal energy. Electricity and magnetism were believed to be distinct now they are unified and affect our everyday life )

5. Able to discuss the social and ethical contexts within which science operates. (Realize that science is a search for knowledge that may or may not be beneficial to society. It solves problems and sometimes it creates problems. Ultimately society decides how scientific knowledge should be used.)

6. Able to communicate about scientific subjects including (lab courses only) the defense of conclusions based on one’s own observations. (e.g., Phys 212l laboratory reports)

7. Able to discuss the application of scientific knowledge to the social sciences and to non-scientific disciplines. (The entire course does this by letting students develop critical thinking skills in solving problems both analytically and conceptually using basic principles.)

Students with Disabilities: Winthrop University is dedicated to providing access to education. If you have a disability and need classroom accommodations, please contact Gena Smith, Coordinator, Services for Students with Disabilities, at 323-3290, as soon as possible. Once you have your professor notification, please let the instructor know so that he/she is aware of your accommodation needs well before the first test or other class activity.

 Student code of Conduct in this course:

All students are expected to exhibit good conduct and to show respect to follow classmates and their professors. The policy on student academic misconduct is outlined in the “Student Conduct Code Academic Misconduct Policy” in the online Student Handbook ( 

Some Helpful Physics Websites

PheT =Physics Education Technology from U of Colorado

Multimedia Physics


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