PHYS 212: Study Guide for Section III

General Advice

A. Review the key terms, principles, and concepts in your notes..

B. Review the summary of equations at the end of each chapter.

C. Review sample problems done in the book and you notes 

D.  Review homework and recommended end of chapter problems and exercises

E. Be able to state basic principles in words and mathematically.

General Advice

A. Review the key terms, principles, and concepts in your notes..

B. Review the summary of equations at the end of each chapter.

C. Review sample problems done in the book and you notes 

D.  Review homework and recommended end of chapter problems and exercises

E. Be able to state basic principles in words and mathematically.


Ch. 25:  Capacitance

bullet Be able to define capacitance
bullet Be able to calculate the capacitance of: a parallel- plate capacitor , a cylindrical capacitor, a spherical capacitor  etc.
bullet Be able to calculate the effective or equivalent capacitance of capacitors in : series, parallel, and combination of series and parallel.

Ch. 26: Current and Resistance:

Be able to define.

In words and mathematically the following terms:


Electric current;  Current Density; Drift Speed; Resistance,; Resistivity; Conductance; Voltage; Semiconductor;  Superconductor


Be able state Ohm's law in words and mathematically.


Be able to define the units Ampere, Volt, Ohm etc.


Ch. 27: DC Circuits

bullet . Key Terms and concepts:     Emf, internal resistance, resistor,  terminal voltage, Kirchhoff's junction and loop rule, Wheatstone Bridge, Potentiometer, RC circuit, Applications of RC circuits
bullet Be able to calculate the equivalent resistance for resistors in series, parallel, and combination.
bullet Be able setup a set of simultaneous equations for a circuit that has loops with Emfs and  resistors as well junctions with incoming and outgoing currents. If you have a graphic calculator form HP, TI, Casio etc.. read the section on Matrices, Simultaneous equation Solver, etc. in you calculator manual and then be able to reproduce the results in example  It is very important that you master how to solve simultaneous equations using you calculator.

Basically the equation is AX = B when A is a Matrix  of N X N square matrix, X are  you N unknowns, B is the RHS of the equation.


The solution is  X = A(inverse)* B . i.e X =B/A. Visit the following link to learn how to use your TI 83 to solve simultaneous equations.

bullet Be able to use your calculator's capability to solve simultaneous equations.
bullet Be familiar with RC circuits and some of their important applications.
bullet Be able to calculate the resistance needed to convert a galvanometer to an ammeter as well as a voltmeter.