Melissa Backman, a senior chemistry major, has been awarded a radiology fellowship to study at Washington University this summer.
Angelique Blackburn, a senior chemistry major, has been awarded an NSF-REU summer research fellowship in analytical chemistry at the University of Florida.
Derek Elgin, a senior chemistry major, has been awarded an NSF REU summer research fellowship at Clemson University.
Lisa Hanson, a senior chemistry major, has been awarded an summer research fellowship by the Department of Chemistry at Winthrop University to conduct biochemistry research under the direction of Dr. Ted Zainal.
Steve Hudson, a junior chemistry major, has been awarded an summer research fellowship by the Department of Chemistry at Winthrop University to study hydrocarbon ozone precursor trends for the Charlotte region.
J.R. Johnson, a senior chemistry major, has been awarded an summer research fellowship by the Department of Chemistry at Winthrop University to study lithium ion batteries under the direction of Dr. Lennart Kullberg.
Miles Miller, a sophomore chemistry major, has been awarded an summer research fellowship by the Department of Chemistry at Winthrop University to study lithium ion batteries under the direction of Dr. Lennart Kullberg.
Charlotta Wennefors, a senior chemistry major, has been awarded an NSF REU summer research fellowship at Clemson University.
Jen Durst Whisonant, a senior chemistry major, has been awarded an summer research fellowship by the Department of Chemistry at Winthrop University to examine nitrogen oxide emissions for the Charlotte region.