InstructorDr. Takita F. Sumter (
Course Meeting Time: TR 8:00-9:15am, Sims 209                  Office hours:MT 1:00-2:00pm; by appt
Contact the instructor:  Office:Sims 302C    Phone: 323-4991       
Course Goals:CHEM 523 provides an in depth study of the structure, chemistry and macromolecular interactions of biochemical systems. In doing so, this course covers enzyme kinetics and mechanisms, thermodynamics of biological processes, and the basic principles of relevant techniques used in biochemistry and molecular biology. These goals enable students to think critically and solve problems (ULC #1) while also providing them the skills needed to understand the interconnected nature of the world and time in which they live (ULC #4).

Student Learning OutcomesIn accordance with the goals of the ACS/ASBMB Accredited Biochemistry Program, students will demonstrate the following skills upon course completion:

 Text and Web resources:  Fundamentals of Biochemistry, 4th Edition. by Voet, Voet, & Pratt. This course will also use a blackboard shell for lecture support resources.
Course Requirements:

You must take the final exam in order to pass the course. The final will be given on Wednesday Dec 9th at 8:00am.

Additional Requirements for Graduate Credit:  Students receiving graduate credit (both non-degree seeking and those working toward a degree) will be required to complete a 5-7 page paper on a controversial topic related to biochemistry. A proposal describing the topic, its relevance to this course, and the controversy must be submitted by Tuesday, October, 13, 2015. This paper must cite at least 7 primary literature sources and must be submitted by THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2015.  A 20 minute oral presentation of your paper will be scheduled and presented to the class.  The paper and presentation are each worth 50 points to give the course total for graduate students 1100. Graduate students should also be aware that graduate grades will be assigned as follows: 93%-100% A; 85%-92% B,   76%-84% C, 59%-75% D, 58% or below F.

Grading:  Final grades for undergraduates will be assigned using the Plus/Minus grading system.  Your grade will be based on the total points that you earn as follows: 

920-1000 = A, 860-919 = B+, 800-859 = B, 760-799 = C+, 700-759 = C, 660-699 = D+, 600-659 = D, 599 or less = F

Academic Misconduct: Winthrop has a strict Student Conduct Code printed in the Winthrop University Student Handbook. Read it carefully and avoid any infractions such as cheating or plagiarism. 

Students with Disabilities: Winthrop University is dedicated to providing access to education.  If you have a disability and need accommodations, please contact the Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities, at 323-3290, as soon as possible.  Once you have your Professor Notification Form, you should show it to me so that appropriate accommodations can be made.

Lecture Schedule



  Relevant Course Resources


American Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology


American Chemical Society




Pedro's Biomolecular Resource Tools.

-Contains links to tutorials, software, manuals, guides, courses, and other helpful sites


ExPASy Mol Bio Server


                     Dr. Takita Felder Sumter, Professor of Chemistry, Winthrop University, Sims Science Building Room 302, sumtert©