CHEM 305

Chemical Hygiene and Safety

Spring 2008


Instructor:  Dr. Snyder

Lecture:  M 1:00-1:50

Office:  109B Sims


Office Hours: T 12:30-1:15 and W 10:00-11:00, or by appointment


·        Building Student Safety Habits for the Workplace

·         Safety in the Academic Chemistry Laboratories, Accident Prevention for College and University Students, 7th edition, A Publication of the American Chemical Society


Course Goals:

·        The importance and necessity of proper laboratory safety procedures

·        To become familiar with the potential hazards associated with various classes of hazardous chemicals and the proper way in which to store and handle such chemicals

·        To learn how to obtain, read, and understand information about hazardous chemicals

·        To become familiar with the various methods available to minimize exposures and reduce the risks associated with working with chemicals


Course Outline:

·        What makes a chemical hazardous

·        Routes of entry

·        Precautionary Labels

·        Material Safety Data Sheets

·        Personal Protective Equipment

·        Handling Laboratory Equipment Safely

·        Exposure Limits

·        Safe Handling, Storage, and Disposal of Chemicals

·        Emergency Equipment

·        Emergency and Medical Procedures

·        Getting to Know Safety Planning and SOP’s


Exams and Grading

·        There will be 2 exams in this course, a mid-term and a final exam.  Both exams will be worth 150 points.  The final exam will cover the entire course.

·        There will be various homework projects assigned.  These homework assignments will total a maximum of 100 points.*  The point value of each individual project will vary and is indicated on the homework assignment sheet.

·        Letter grades will be assigned as follows:  A 90-100%, B 80-89%, C 70-79%, D 60-69%, F <59%


*The point allocation for homework projects is an estimate.  If for some reason something extra is added or does not take place, the point scale will be adjusted accordingly.