CHEM 107 Laboratory Grading- Fall 2008

You may earn up to 280 points in Chemistry 107. The points are distributed as follows:

Safety/Web Page Quiz              35 pts
Cooperative Project I**   45 pts
Cooperative Project II** 55 pts
Cooperative Project III**  65 pts
Molecular Modeling* 40 pts
Fianl Lab Quiz 40 pts
TOTAL 280 pts

 *The molecular modeling lab will consist of a prelab assignment worth 10 pts and the lab results worth 30 pts.

 **The Cooperative Projects will be graded as follows:

  Group Experimental Plan 5 pts 5 pts 5 pts
  Group Weekly Summary   10 pts 15 pts
  Individual Notebook/Technique 5 pts 5 pts 5 pts
  Individual Lab Report 25 pts 25 pts 25 pts
  Peer Evaluation 5 pts 5 pts 5 pts
  Project Quiz 5 pts 5 pts  
  Group Oral Report$     10 pts
  TOTAL 45 pts 55 pts 65 pts

$Oral report will be done as a group, but each member will be individually graded.

Letter grades will be assigned based on the total number of points earned as follows:

  pts:   280-252 A  
  pts:   251-224 B  
  pts:  223-196 C  
  pts:  195-168 D  
  pts:   <167 F