Experiment 1 Data Sheet

BPD: Balances, Pipets, and Data Analysis

Part B: Density of Water by Volumetric Pipet


Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3

 Mass of empty Beaker, g





 Mass of beaker plus water, g





 Mass of water, g





 Pipet volume, mL





Density*, g/mL





*value obtained from your graph.


Prepare a graph of mass of water (g) vs. volume (mL) using Excel spreadsheet.*

* Always use the convention: (y) vs. (x), thus mass of water on y-axis (ordinate)

* When using Excel to graph, the data entered in column A will be plotted on the x-axis and the data entered in column B will be plotted on the y-axis.

* Follow guidelines on the web page, Graphing with Excel, for proper graph requirements.                    

Since D = m/V č m = DV, a plot of m vs. V will produce a straight line with a slope of D (the density). To obtain the equation of the line (and hence the density), do the following: Select the chart wizard: under Chart Type choose "xy scatter"; under Sub-type choose the scatter plot where the data points are not connected. After finishing the rest of the steps and generating your plot, select the graph. In the toolbar, go to Chart, then Add trendline; under Type choose linear and under Options, check “Display equation on chart". This will generate the equation of the line.

Include the linear equation for your data on the graph and print a full-page graph and a printout of your spreadsheet to turn in with your lab report.  You do not need to print all three graphs.  Print the graph for your best trial.