Study Guide for Part IV
Ch. 8.2--8.5, Some parts of Ch. 9-- Central Forces & Angular Momentum --- the Hydrogen Atom:
You have to know the difference between the approaches Bohr and Scrodinger used to deal with the hydrogen atom. | |
How do the results obtained by solving the Scrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom compare eight that of the Bohr model? | |
What are the four quantum numbers associated with the electron in the hydrogen atom? |
Given a radial wave function of the from given in Table 8,4 (page 280) be able to determine at which r adius the probability for finding the electron peaks (i.e. becomes a maximum).. see you notes for an example. | |
Be able to write down the eigen values for the squares of L, j, S and L.S | |
Be able to explain how NMR is used in chemistry and Medicine.( See page 470-472) | |
How does the 21 cm hydrogen result? How is it used astronomy? Search the www |
Ch: 13 Nuclear Structure and Ch:14 Nuclear Physics Applications
Be able to calculate binding energy ( see eq. 13.4 and example 13.3) | |
Be able to calcul;ate energy released after fission or fusion using E = mc2 | |
Be able to use the semiemprical binding energy formual ( eq. 137) | |
Be able to identify what alpha, beta, and gamma rays are. | |
Be able to calculate ages of artifacts using radioactive dating? Read about C-14 dating and about determinig the edg eof he earth (page 493-495) | |
Be able to distinguish between fission and fusion. List some applications of fission and fusion reactions. |
Ch: 15 Elementary Particles:
Print and Study the the Standard Model and Beyond article |
Be able to list the fundamental forces, know their relative strength, their range, and name the particles they exchange | |
What are the dozen or so fundamental particles that the Standard Model is base on? | |
What do the abbreviations QED, QCD, GSW , SM etc. stand for? | |
Study the Yukawa hypothesis (Section 15.3) it is a good model for demonstrating how forces are generated by exchanging bosons such as the photon in QED, the gluons in QCD, and the W and Z bosons in Weak Interactions. | |
What is the Four -Fermi Interaction? How does it differ from the GSW model? | |
Be able to define fermions, bosons, baryons, hadrons,leptons etc. Give examples for each | |
Be able to state the main idea behind String Theory? |