PHYS 212 Study Guide for Unit I (Thermodynamics)

The purpose of the study guide is to point out the most important terms, concepts, and principles.

It is not an all inclusive panacea. The study guide is not a replacement for your lecture note and/or you text book. Please review you notes and at least the end of the chapter summaries. You should also review sample problems done in the lecture as well as in the book You should also review your homework and recommended problems. The course emphasizes problem solving.

Chapter19 : Temperature, Heat, the 0th and 1st law of Thermodynamics, Thermal Expansion, and Means of Heat Transfer

Here a website on Heat amd Thermodyanmics .  that you need to read.

Be able to:

Chapter 20: Kinetic Theory of Gases

Be able to:

Be able to: Chapter 21: Heat Engines, Entropy and the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.

How heat engines power cars, trains, airplanes etc. Heat engine Animations, Entertaining videos

Be able to:


Here is large list of thermodynamic related web cites