PHYS 202: Study Guide for Section II

General Advice

A. Review the key terms, principles, and concepts in your notes..

B. Review the summary of equations at the end of each chapter.

C. Review sample problems done in the book and you notes 

D.  Review homework that was assigned on WileyPlus.

E. Be able to state basic principles in words and mathematically.

F. Make sure you have a clear understanding of basic concepts. Do not waste your time memorizing stuff you do not understand.

Ch. 18: Electrostatics : Electric Charge (Q), Electric Forces (F) and Electric Fields (E)

bullet . Key Terms and concepts and Laws:     + and - charges, quarks, charging by contact, charging by induction, electric force, electric field, conservation of charge, lightening, dipole, conductors, insulators, coulomb, electronic charge, electric flux, conventional direction of electric current.
bullet Be able to explain when an object is said to a +charge and - charge using a model of the atom.
bullet   Be able to calculate the net force and electric field due to a variety of charge configurations such as point charges (Examples 18-4 and 18-5) using Coulomb's law. (F=kqQ/r2)
bullet   Be able to calculate the electric field due to a variety of charge configurations  (see the  examples done on the book  (18-10,18-11,18-12 etc. as well as those done  in class. )
bullet Be able to calculate the speed of an electron in a hydrogen atom.
bullet Accomplishments or major contributions related to electrostatics by: Charles DuFay, Benjamin Franklin, Coulomb, J. J. Thomson, Robert Millikan, Frederick Gauss.You may look up theses names  in the Internet.

Gauss' Law

bullet Be able to understand what an electric flux is and how it is calculated
bullet Look up Gauss' in the Internet and list some of his accomplishments from early childhood
bullet Be able to calculate electric fields due to charged spheres, cylinders,  parallel plates etc. using Gauss' Law..( See examples 18-15, 18-16)

Ch. 19: Electric Potential Energy and the Electric Potential

bullet Be able to define electric potential (V) in term of E, Electric potential energy (U), Voltage or electric potential (V), potential difference (V)
bullet Be able to calculate the electric potential potential energy [EPE] and electric potential  [V(r)] . See examples 1 through 12 in Chapter 19.
bullet Be able to calculate the electric field and the voltage across two oppositely charge large plates.
bullet Be able to calculate the speed of a charged particle accelerated by a voltage using the conservation of energy. Using eV and /or Joules as unit s of energy.
bullet Be able to describe the purposes of the J. J. Thompson (1889) and Robert Millikan (1913) experiments. Search the Internet if necessary.

Ch. 20: Electric Circuits


Be able to define in words and mathematically the following terms: Electric current; Resistance;  Resistively; Conductance; Voltage; Electric Power, Semiconductor;  Superconductor etc.


Be able state Ohm's law in words and mathematically.


Be able to define the units Ampere, Volt, Ohm, Watt,

bullet . Key Terms and concepts:     Emf, internal resistance, resistor,  terminal voltage, Kirchhoff's junction and loop rule, Wheatstone Bridge, Potentiometer, RC circuit, Applications of RC circuits
bullet Be able to calculate the equivalent resistance for resistors in series, parallel, and combination.
bullet Be able setup a set of simultaneous equations for a circuit that has loops with Emfs and  resistors as well junctions with incoming and outgoing currents using Kirchoff's rules. . If you have a graphic calculator form HP, TI, Casio etc.. read the section on Matrices, Simultaneous equation Solver, etc. in you calculator manual and then be able to reproduce the results in the examples   It is very important that you master how to solve simultaneous equations using you calculator.
bullet Be able to calculate Vrms, Irms  and Power for AC circuits.
bullet Be able to use your calculator's capability to solve simultaneous equations.
bullet Be familiar with RC circuits and some of their important applications.
bullet Be able to calculate the resistance needed to convert a galvanometer to an ammeter as well as a voltmeter.
bullet Be able to define capacitance
bullet Be able to calculate the effective or equivalent capacitance of capacitors in : series, parallel, and combination of series and parallel.