Department of Chemistry, Physics, & Geology

Semester: Fall 2013    Course: PHYS 201L 001 - General Physics I Laboratory.

The laboratory will be held in Sims 205 on  Wednesdays  2:00-4:50 PM. Students need to register for one of the lab section of PHYS 201L.

My office hours are MWF 10:00-10:50  in Sims 203 or by Appointment at other times.

Pre_Lab:  I have included links mostly for video clips that serve as introductions to each experiment. They are very voluble in clarifying the basics concepts relevant to what you do in the lab and some of them are entreating. Take time to view the video clips before you come to each lab.

LAB SCHEDULE                    

Lab #


Pre-Lab: View and review before each lab session.




Aug. 26 - 30

Read   Excel Tutorial

Spread Sheet & Graphing


Sept. 2-6

View Density  Video



Sept. 9-13

Review Vector Addition


Vector Addition


Sept. 16-20

 Watch video on how to use  the DataStudio  to measure speed.

Data Collection with a PC


Sept. 23-27

 Listen to the Friction Song

Watch the video Calculating Friction  



Oct. 1-4

 View Conservation of Mechanical Energy Experiment done By Middle School Students  S. Korea



Oct. 7-11

 Ballistic Pendulum Video

Ballistic Pendulum

Fall Break

Oct 12-15




Oct. 15-18

 What is Torque ?

Application of Torque.

A torque sample calculation




Oct. 21-25

 Introduction to Rotational Motion


Angular Momentum  

Rotational Motion


Oct. 28-Nov. 1

 Simple Harmonic Motion:

The Simple Pendulum

Spring Constant (k) and SHM

Hooke's Law and SHM


Nov. 4-8

Archimedes’s and the Eureka Moment

Finding Volume of a Crown

Historical Background

 Archimedes’s Principle Experiment

Archimedes' Principle


Nov. 11-15

 Standing Waves on a  stretched String

Vibration see the unseen for fun  

Vibrating String



Vibration in Air Columns : Harmonics and Overtones

Measuring the speed of sound


Measuring the speed of sound


Nov 27-30

Thanksgiving Break






Textbook: Physics, Cutnell & Johnson, 9th Edition , John Wiley Publishing.

Course Objectives

Include the following in the same order for your lab report:

1) Lab write-up from the web-link. 
2) Graphs, calculations, answers for questions, etc.
3) Conclusion.
4) Staple the report at the top left corner making sure nothing is hidden under the staple.

Rules for the laboratory

  1. You must read the web-link  and the relevant materials from the textbook before the lab period and be prepared for the laboratory.
  2. Bring the textbook and do not come late.
  3. You will work in a group of two. Both partners should actively take part in collecting the data and in the experimental process.
  4. At the end of your lab work you need to return all the laboratory equipment to the appropriate places where you took them.
  5. You need to handle the equipment carefully, giving special attention when warranted.
  6. When you leave the laboratory, you need to make sure the laboratory table is clean and free of any materials.
  7. Do not miss any laboratory. You will receive "0" for all missed laboratories.
  8. Lab reports are due at the end of the lab period.

Guidelines for conclusion

Conclusion should state things that are unique for your investigation. In length it should not less than half a page and more than a page. Just remember that you cannot write your conclusion without completing your experiments or investigations. A general statement like "I have determined the densities of given solids" is not acceptable. You need to refer to your data, methods, and results in your conclusion. First you may state your results for the purpose. Then you may discuss about the errors and their possible causes. Describe your reasoning using physics terminology and principles. You should explain as completely as possible what goes through your mind that leads you to your conclusion. While we encourage you to discuss your physics experiments with your partners, your written lab report must be your own work.