The course and, consequently, the tests emphasize problem solving. In order to solve problems one needs to master the underlying concepts and principles. This guide points out some of the basic terms, concepts, principles or laws. In addition, please review sample problems in you notes and do the homework assigned on WileyPlus. You have to understand and use the physics principles when you do problems. The bad habit  of  plugging in numbers into formulas without understanding the underlying physics  concepts and principles leads to disasters not only on tests but also in real life.

Ch. 8 &9 : Rotational motion, Rolling  motion , Torque and Angular Momentum 

Visit this website. It shows the parallel between linear and angular motion as well as the derivation of moments of inertia for some common geometric objects such as a solid sphere,-

cylinder etc.

Please study section 11.6  -Archimedes' principle and sections 16.1,16.2,16.3 , 17.5 and 17.6- on sound waves.  and waves on stretched strings.  This is related to the last two experiment in PHYS 201L

You may visit the sites below if you want to understand Angular Momentum

Conservation of Anglualr Momentum Li =Lf