The course and, consequently, the tests emphasize problem solving. In order to solve problems one needs to master the underlying concepts and principles. This guide points out some of the basic terms and concepts. In addition, please review sample problems in you notes and the book. Doing the homework problems and completing self test quizzes should also help.


Ch. 4 & 5 (Forces and Motion  I & II) Newton's Laws and Their Application

Useful WWW links on Isaac Newton and his laws of motion

A) Newton's Biography and His Laws of Motion

B) Application of Newton's Laws

C How to solve problems using F=ma

D.  Kinetics form Ms. T. Willman's  Summer Science Group

Be able to state Newton's Laws of motion concisely and clearly.

Be able to define the following terms:

force, mass, weight, free fall, weightlessness, inertia, kinetic friction, static friction,

Be able to define the units: 1 Newton, 1 dyne,1 pound , and 1 slug

You must be able to state clearly and concisely Newton's three laws of motion.

You must be able to apply Newton's Laws of Motion and solve problems that relate to objects in equilibrium as well as objects that accelerate on a plain and on inclines with and without friction.

You must be able to solve problems related to Atwood's Machine, accelerating elevators and weightlessness

Uniform Circular Motion

Be able to relate centripetal acceleration to road banking, centrifuges, amusement parks artificial gravity, satellite and planetary motion etc.

Be able to state Newton’s Universal Gravitational Law in words and mathematically F= Gm.M/R2

Be able to calculate the mass of the Earth using Newton’s Universal Gravitational Law.

How was G measured  view the video clip  on Cavendish’s Experiment Cavendish's persolnality and experimets

Clearly understand the difference between static and kinetic friction and how to determine the normal force.

 Study the derivation for banked turn with and without frictionMore on Banked Curve With Friction pdf. Here is a cluculator for max speed on banked roads withriction