Phys 201 001 (4 hrs)     General Physics  I       Fall 2013

Text Book: Physiscs 9th  Edition (Wiley, 2012)

Professor: Dr. Mesgun Sebhatu,   Office = Sims 203, Office  hrs: 10 - 10:50 MWF or by appointment

Phys201 001 meets on MWF 12:30-1:20 in Sims 209

E-mail:  Voice Mail: 803-323-4935

Brief description of the course and some advice: The PHYS 201-202 sequence covers the major branches of classical physics: PHYS 201 deals with mostly mechanics and wave motion while PHYS 202 covers thermodynamics, electromagnetism, and optics. The course emphasizes understanding of fundamental physics concepts and principles as well as the development of conceptual and analytical problem solving skills by using physics concepts, principles and mathematics in the solution of various interesting and challenging real world problems. This course should also help you review and master your algebra, trigonometry, and enable you to appreciate your math skills  by putting it to work in physics. In this course, rote memorization is discouraged. Formulas and constants will be provided even during a test. Use of calculators is encouraged. In fact, it would be difficult to survive the course without a good scientific calculator and the skill needed to use it to solve problems. PHYS 201-202 is primarily intended for students in the life and health sciences.  PHYS 201 is the first semester of a one-year general physics (PHYS 201-202) course that utilizes algebra and trigonometry. You learn physics by understanding basic concepts and then doing problems.  Mere Memorization of formulas or facts do not help much. It does not take a lot of effort to memorize F= ma.  You will discover that using it to solve a plethora of PHYS 211 problems requires deep understanding and practice.

 PHYS201 and 202 have the lab components PHYS 201L and 202L respectively. One must take PHYS 201 and 201L concurrently to get the 4-hour credit for PHYS 201.

The major objectives and expected outcomes of PHYS 201-202 are:

·        Develop an understanding of basic concepts and principles in physics that are the foundation for all science and technology

·        Develop conceptual and analytical problem solving skills that are indispensable for any professional in the life and health sciences

·        Develop an understanding of the role physics plays in everyday life and in technology

·        Develop the ability to express scientific ideas clearly and concisely both quantitatively and in words 

In the labs (Phys 201L-202L) the major objective is for students to practice the scientific method hands on. 

Given a purpose, they test a hypothesis or a principle of physics. They are expected to learn how:

·        To perform a series of experiments and acquire sets of data using a computer and/or direct observation every week for three hours.

·        To statically analyze their data using a spreadsheet or other software for calculations and curve fitting.

·        To compare their experimental values with expected values and calculate % errors.

·        To arrive at a conclusion that relates to a hypothesis (or purpose) and writes a concise and clear conclusion.

·        To learn how collaborate. i.e., suggest ideas, agree and disagree with their peers and even their instructor.

You will use WileyPlus  for  Phys 201 001  to practice as well to submit homework that will be graded.                                                                    

Tentative Course Outline and Test Schedule

The course is divided into four convenient parts (I to IV). For each part, detailed study guides will be available on this website prior to each test. The study guides will be updated as needed from time to time. Please revisit the course website to have a current study guide and test date.


Part I.      Test #1:  Monday, Sept  23 (chapter 1, 2, &3)

Ch.1    Introduction, Mathematical Concepts, Units and Standards of Measurement

Ch. 2     Kinematics in One Dimension 

Ch. 3    Kinematics in Two Dimensions

      Study Guide for Test 1


Part II.     Test #2: Wednesday Oct. 23 (chapters 4, & 5 ) 

Ch. 4    Forces and Newton’s Laws of Motion

Ch. 5    Dynamics of Uniform Circular Motion

         Study Guide for Test 2

Part III.      Test #3:  Monday  Nov. 18 (chapters 6, 7 )

Ch. 6. Work and Energy

Ch. 7    Impulse and Momentum

             Study Guide for Test 3


Part IV:   Test #4  (has been posted on WileyPlus  on  Dec. 2, Monday at 12:15 PM. It will be due on or before  Dec. 4,  Wednesday @1:00 AM. i.e 1 hour after Tuesday midnight. There will be a time limit of 3 hours from start to  to finish. A list of problems similar to what you will have on the test has been emailed to the class .It will be wise to work on those problems using your book before you start the test. Write  down your answers carefully  with appropriate units and sufficient significant figures. You will not get hints or answwers before you submit your work.. This is a test not a homework. You will be able to see your grade when you are done. The grades wil be rescaled. The maximum class grade(s)  will be 100%. e.g if the max class grade is 18/25 and some other student has 15/25, the 18/25 will be a 100%. and  the 15/25will be 15/18*100=83.3%

 Ch. 8 &9         Rotational Kinematics and Dynamics  + Problems related to the last four ( 10,12,13, &14) Experiments. see the study Guide for details

       Study Guide for Test  4    


A comprehensive Final Exam on Sections I to IV

Phys 201 001: 11:30a.m.-1:30p.m. , Tuesday, 12/10


Four monthly tests and a comprehensive final exam will be given. All exams will involve mostly problem solving that require showing work step by and giving clear answers with appropriate units. The type of problems on the test will resemble mostly those assigned for homework or those done in class as examples. The test will also have questions that require clear and concise written statements based on the lectures and class discussions. In addition, students will be assigned articles read and write responses to specific questions base on the article. Such assignments, the tests and the lab reports adequately satisfy the writing component of this course.

Computation of Final Grades : The best three test grades will contribute 12% each (total from tests = 36%). Homework   ( 14%). The weekly lab grades will be averaged and contribute 25%. The comprehensive final will contribute 25%.

36% (Tests) +14%(Homework) + 25% (Lab) + 25%(final) = 100 %

Even though class grade distribution may affect the assignment of the letter grades will be as follows

Above 90% is an "A", 80% - 84% is a "B", 85%-89% is a" B+",70% - 74% is a "C",

75%-79% is a "C+" 60% - 64% is a "D", 65%-69% is a "D+" and below 60% is an "F".

 Makeup Tests: If a student misses one monthly test, he obtains a "0" for it and loses the opportunity to have his lowest test score dropped. It will be dangerous to miss more than one test. There are no provisions for makeup tests under normal circumstances.

Class Attendance Policy: The attendance policy followed in this course is the same as that which appears in the current Winthrop University Catalog. Briefly, "If a student's absences in a course total 25% or more of the class meetings for the course, the student will receive a grade of N, F, or U, which ever is appropriate."  The dead line to drop a course with an "N" is  Oct. 23. Please read your catalog for details. The professor will determine when taking attendance is appropriate. If all the members of the class are present, there is no need to take attendance. Students who leave early or come excessively late for reasons that are not clear to the instructor may be marked absent. Class participation is a major requirement. The course will use a Personal Response System that records the participation of each student.

Students with Disabilities: Winthrop University is dedicated to providing access to education. If you have a disability and need classroom accommodations, please contact Gena Smith, Coordinator, Services for Students with Disabilities, at 323-3290, as soon as possible. Once you have your professor notification, please let the instructor know so that he/she is aware of your accommodation needs well before the first test or other class activity.

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