Study Guide for Section IV: Chapters 8, 9 and some topics from ch.10

The purpose of the study guide is to point out the most important terms, concepts, principles, etc. that you should know. It is not a panacea that covers everything that may show up on your test.

General Advice:

A. Review the key terms listed for completing fill in blanks at the end of every chapter.

B. Review the summary of equations at the end of each chapter.

C. Review example problems and some of the end of chapter problems.

D. You should be able to state basic principles and conservation laws.

Ch. 8: Waves: Sound and Electromagnetic Radiation

Be able to define the following key terms:

mechanical waves , electromagnetic waves, longitudinal waves, transverse waves,

seismic waves (P & S types), wavelength, frequency, period, amplitude, intensity, interference (constructive and destructive), diffraction, reflection , refraction, harmonics, quality ,resonance, sonar, sonogram, ultrasonic, subsonic, index of refraction, overtones, Doppler effect, red shift, blue shift, Iridescence, the Ether, diffuse, scattering, AM & FM radio waves, ELF radiation , microwaves , X-rays, infrared , ultra violet , visible spectrum, primary colors ,& primary pigments , dispersion , fluorescence.

Be able to use simple equations in wave motion, sonars, radars, speed of sound in different media and temperature, standing waves in air columns and stretched strings.

Be able to list the groups of musical instruments and give at least three examples of each.

Ch 9 The Atom

Study :

The historical origins of the atom
The revival of the atomic model and it relevance to chemistry before the quantum era
How the Bohr atom model explains atomic spectra
How atoms and electron configuration helps explain the periodic table

Ch. 10: Quantum Theory of Radiation and Matter:

Most of these topics will be covered by an AV presentation

Be familiar with the following concepts:

Photoelectric effect the dual nature of light , de Broglie wavelength laser

solar cells, Bohr Model, wave-particle duality , Heisenberg's Uncertainity Principle,CAT scan

General :

Be able to state the contributions of the following people to the understanding of the nature of light and quantum theory;

Plato, Galileo, Roemer, Michelson, Newton, Huygens ,Young , Hertz , Einstein,

de Broglie, Davisson and Germer, Charles Townes