HMXP 102 Section 005

Spring 2009


Dr. Chasta L. Parker


Office:  Sims 313A                                                                 Class:  Sims 113B       WF 8:00 am – 9:15 am

Office phone:  803-323-4955                                                 Office Hours: W        11 – noon

Email Address:                                                        R         9:30 – 10:45 am

Please adhere strictly to office hours.

Assistance outside of these times should be scheduled by email.


Prerequisite/Requirements:  C or better in WRIT 101.

C or better in HMXP 102 to take CRTW 201.

C or better in HMXP 102 to graduate.


Purpose: This course will allow us to identify new ways to define and describe who we are.  We will do this by discussing, thinking about, and understanding the readings outlined in this course. Our ultimate purpose will be to guide each other in becoming more active participants in the Winthrop University learning community.  We will discuss what attitudes and skills are required to help you make the most out of your time here at Winthrop.  To this end, we will explore and reflect on five areas: The Self and Education, The Autonomous Self, The Self and Community, The Self and Nature, and The Self and the Sacred.


This is not a course that defines what is right/wrong.  This course is designed to allow you to experience life-changing ideas and perspectives in the safety of the classroom.  You will engage in these activities by examining the text both individually and collectively using class discussion and integrated, thesis focused writing to hone critical thinking skills.  In doing so, this course will also help you understand the basics of academic writing. 


Required Texts and Supplies:


1) Bickford, Leslie ed. The Human Experience: Who Am I? Fifth Edition.

2) Harris, Muriel. Prentice Hall Reference Guide. 2nd Custom ed. New York: Pearson, 2008.

3) Spiral Bound Notebook

4) Highlighter


Turnitin:  The Turnitin system is a requirement for all students taking HMXP.  Therefore, it is essential that you register for HMXP102 in the Turnitin system.  The password for this course is: hmxpparker and the Course ID is:  2512337.


Assignments:  All formal papers must be submitted to Turnitin before class on the day the assignment is due.  You must also bring a hard copy of your assignment to turn in to me.  Assignments are due on the date indicated in the syllabus at the beginning of class!  Late assignments (over an hour late) will be docked a letter grade.  I will not accept assignments that are 24 hours past due.




Plagiarism:  All forms of plagiarism will be dealt with in a very serious manner.  If any part of a paper is plagiarized, the student can expect to receive a grade of F or 0 at the discretion of the instructor.  If there is a major or second case of plagiarism the student can expect a failing grade for the entire course AND a referral to student affairs.  Please see the English department’s website ( on the correct use of borrowed information.


Attendance:  Attendance is mandatory.  I will take attendance every class period.  Students who miss class automatically lose the 5 synopsis points and 6 class participation points.


Students with Disabilities

Winthrop University is dedicated to providing access to education.  If you have a disability and require specific accommodations to complete this course, contact Gena Smith, Program Director, Services for Students with Disabilities, at 323-3290.  Once you have your official notice of accommodations from Services for Students with Disabilities, please inform me as early as possible in the semester.




A. WRITING:  64% of total grade


1.)    Synopsis of reading assignments (20 @ 5 points each)……………………………..100 points


2.)    Writing assignments:

a.       Rough Draft of Paper #1        (3 – 5 pages)………………………………….20 points

b.      Paper #1                                  (3 – 5 pages) …………………………………100 points

c.       Rough Draft Paper #2             (3 – 5 pages) …………………………………40 points

d.      Paper #2                                  (3 – 5 pages) …………………………………120 points

e.       Rough Draft Paper #3             (4 – 6 pages) …………………………………60 points

f.       Paper #3                                  (4 – 6 pages) …………………………………200 points


B. ORAL: 36% of total grade

1.)    Class participation (20 @ 6 points) ……………………………………………….....120 points

2.)    Discussion Leader (2 @ 120 points) …………………………………………………240 points

TOTAL POINTS AVAILABLE:                                                                                          1000 points


Grading Scale

90 – 100%       =          A

88 – 89%         =          B+

80 – 87%         =          B

78 – 79 %        =          C+

70 – 77%         =          C

68 – 69%         =          D+

60 – 67%         =          D

<  59%             =          F
Proposed Calendar of Events


Readings and Assignments


 W 14

Introduction – Ice Breakers

Synopsis, Preface and Cover Art

F 16

How to Write a Paper in HMXP 102

Peer Led Class Discussion Guidelines & Sign Up

Writing – BLUE HMXP TAB in Reference Guide


The Self and Education

W 21

Writing – TAB 1 and 2 in Reference Guide

On Communication, Pages 12 – 14

Synopsis Due, Discussion led by Group 1

F 23

Writing – TAB 3 in Reference Guide

from Metaphors We Live By, Pages 7 – 11

Synopsis Due, Discussion led by Group 2

W 28

Writing TAB 4 in Reference Guide

Book VII: The Allegory of the Cave, Pages 3 – 6

Synopsis Due, Discussion led by Group 3

F 30

Writing TAB 11 in Reference Guide

But This I Can Believe, Pages 30 – 38

Synopsis Due, Discussion led by Group 4

Paper #1 Assigned


W 4

Writing TAB 11 in Reference Guide

Paper #1 Draft Due today – bring a hard copy of your paper

Peer Review


The Autonomous Self

F 6

Of the Liberty of Thought and Discussion, Pages 41 – 45

Synopsis Due, Discussion led by Group 5

Paper #1 Draft due to Dr. Parker

W 11

The Declaration of Independence, Pages 55 – 58

Synopsis Due, Discussion led by Group 6

Paper #1 Drafts Returned


The Self and Community


F 13

Ingroup and Outgroup, Pages 69 – 71

Synopsis Due, Discussion led by Group 7

Paper #1 Due to both Turnitin and Dr. Parker

W 18

From The Souls of Black Folk, Pages 72 – 76

Synopsis Due, Discussion led by Group 8

F 20

Free At Last? A Personal Perspective on Race and Identity in America, Pages 77 – 82

Synopsis Due, Discussion led by Group 9

W 25

White Privilege and Male Privilege: A Personal Account of Coming to See Correspondences Through Work in Women’s Studies, Pages 83 – 90

Synopsis Due, Discussion led by Group 10

F 27

Feminism is for Everybody, Pages 110 – 115

Synopsis Due, Discussion led by Group 11

Paper #2 Assigned

March W 4

The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber, Page 119

Synopsis Due, Discussion led by Group 12

Draft of paper #2 due today – bring a hard copy to class

Peer Review

F 6

How Do Our Kids Get So Caught Up in Consumerism?,  Pages 122 – 124

Synopsis Due, Discussion led by Group 13

W 11

Person and Community in African Traditional Thought, Pages 143 – 150

Synopsis Due, Discussion led by Group 14

Paper #2 Draft due to Dr. Parker – bring a hard copy to Dr. Parker

F 13

The Bill of Rights, Pages 151 – 152

Synopsis Due, Discussion led by Group 15

The Gettysburg Address, Page 158

Synopsis Due, Discussion led by Group 16

Draft of paper #2 Returned

W 18

No Classes

Spring Break

F 20


The Self and Nature

W 25

Writing Clinic

Paper #2 Due To Turnitin and to Dr. Parker today

F 27

From Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters, Pages 167 – 176

Synopsis Due, Discussion led by Group 17


W 1

Human Nature, Pages 177 – 187

Synopsis Due, Discussion led by Group 18

F 3

The Secret of Life, Pages 188 - 193

Synopsis Due, Discussion led by Group 19

W 8

Simple in Means, Rich in Ends: An Interview with Arne Naess, Pages 217 – 221

Synopsis Due, Discussion led by Group 20


The Self and the Sacred

F 10

From Mere Christianity, Pages 229 – 234

Synopsis Due, Discussion led by Group 21

Paper #3 assigned

W 15

Library Day – no formal class

F 17

Library Day – no formal class

W 22

Draft of Paper #3 due today – bring a hard copy to class

Peer Review exercise

F 24

The Myth of Sisyphus, Pages 259 – 261

Synopsis Due, Discussion led by Group 22

Paper #3 of Draft due today to Dr. Parker

W 29

Pick up draft #3 today – outside of Sims 313A


M 4

Paper #3 Due

8 AM Sims 113 B