Ideas in Biomedical Science from General Chemistry II
Nonsteroidal Anti-infammatory Drugs (NSAID’s): 1) Mechanism of action
for NSAID’s to interdict inflammation; 2) Relationship between COX-2 selective
inhibitors and nonspecific COX inhibitors; 3) Mechanism of action for enzyme
inhibition that is unique to aspirin; 4) Underlying rationale for the development
of COX-2 inhibitors; 5) Current issues associated with COX-2 inhibitors
Steroidal Anti-Inflammatories: 1) Steroid’s role in interdicting
the inflammatory process; 2) The molecular mechanism of action through
which steroids significantly alter biochemical processes; 3) Polarity of
steroidal molecules and role/orientation of cholesterol in membranes; 4)
Source of steroid molecules in body; 5) Structure of zinc fingers and their
role in steroidal mechanism of action
Neuroscience: 1) Mechanism for transmission of signals across the synapse;
2) Understanding of membrane voltages associated with nerve cells and the
underlying reasons for these; 3) Mechanisms through which neurotransmitter
levels are lowered after nerve signaling; 4) Understanding of relative
intracellular/extracellular concentrations of major ions; 5) Understanding
of nerve impulse transmission along an axon; 6) sodium and potassium ion
channels and underlying reasons for selectivity of each
Receptors, Neurotransmitters and Hormones: 1) Mechanism of action for cholinergic
nicotinic and muscarinic receptors respectively; 2) Role of GABA and glycine
receptors and the associated electrochemical basis for their mechanism
of action; 3) Opioid receptors, naturally occurring and synthetic agonists,
and underlying mechanism of action; 4) Local anesthetics and their mechanism
of action; 5) General anesthetics mechanism of action; 6) Route of synthesis
for dopamine and associated structures at physiological pH; 7) Adrenergic
receptors and effects for each; 8) Adrenergic neurotransmitters; 9) Role
of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors as nerve agents and for treating Alzheimer’s
Environmental Health: 1) Role of stratospheric ozone in human health;
2) Mechanisms for the depletion of stratospheric ozone; 3) Role of tropospheric
ozone in human health; 4) Mechanism for the formation of ground-level summertime
ozone; 5) Major pollutants emitted by internal combustion engines and the
various adverse impacts of each of these upon human health; 6) Electromagnetic
radiation, photodecomposition and altitude; 7) Production of NO by heat
sources and adverse health impacts associated with NO and downstream pollutants
formed from NO.