(Office Hours: Bancroft102A - MWF 8:00-8:50 AM)

Course Texts:

Course Objectives:
  • Develop an understanding of the environmental chemistry principles associated with atmospheric, aquatic, and geochemical perspectives.
  • Gain an insight into future research directions and needs to address global and regional environmental problems.
  • Develop a broad familiarity of modern environmental issues.
  • Further the development of mathematical and scientific principles gained from previous course work through applying and integrating knowledge from multiple disciplines to understand complex environmental interactions.
  • Schedule: Lectures are scheduled TR at the appointed hour in Kinard 105. The course syllabus provides the specific schedule.  All course information is posted on the chemistry department's web page (chem.winthrop.edu).

    Class Preparation: You are responsible for all assigned material and for all material discussed in lecture.  You are expected to complete each reading assignment and assigned problems prior to the date listed in the syllabus.  For each class I recommend that you do the following:

    Graded Exercises Grades: (You must score better than 50% on the final exam to pass the course) A: 88-100% B: 76-88% C: 66-76% D: 56-66%

    Attendance: You are expected to attend all class meetings for the full scheduled time.