Alzheimer's Disease and Cholinesterase Inhibitors

We have discussed in class the therapeutic role of cholinesterase inhibitors in treating Alzheimer's Disease.  To broaden our background in this area, please answer the following questions:

1.  Outline the general mechanism of action of cholinesterase inhibitors in humans.

2.  Identify the specific substrate the cholinesterase enzyme acts upon and the role of this substrate in humans.  Draw or paste the molecular structure of this substrate.

3.  Find data on the probability of a person getting Alzheimer's in their lifetime (as a function of their age).  Cite your reference.

4.  Identify the specific type of molecular substances that are uniquely found in the brains of Alzheimer patients.

5.  What are the current preferred medications to treat Alzheimer's disease?  What are the main side effects of these medications?

6.  Identify a new drug being developed by the pharmaceutical industry to treat Alzheimer's.  Show the new drug's molecular structure and discuss its mechanism of action (what are its targets in the human body).  Discuss the drug's stage of development (preclinical, Phase I, Phase II, or Phase III).

7.  Identify other cholinesterase inhibitors developed by humans for other applications; discuss their utility.

Here is an interesting article that provides some of the background information.  Use Scifinder to find molecular structures and other background information you cannot find via the internet.