Science Reading List


  • The World Without Us (Weisman)
  • An Inconvenient Truth (Gore)
  • Silent Spring (Carson)
  • Our Stolen Future (Colburn, Dumanoski)
  • Earth in the Balance (Gore)
  • The Hole in the Sky (Gribbin)
  • Global Warming (Schneider)
  • How Many People Can the Earth Support? (Cohen)
  • The Dying of the Trees (Little)
  • The Ages of Gaia (Lovelock)


  • This is Your Brain on Music (Levitin)
  • The Brain that Changes Itself (Doidge)
  • In Search of Memory (Kandel)
  • Molecules of Emotion (Pert)
  • Synapses (Cowan, Sudhof, Stevens eds.)
  • The Ethical Brain (Gazzaniga)
  • The Emperor of Scent (Burr)



  • The Double Helix (Watson)
  • Lives of a Cell (Thomas)
  • The Origin of Species (Darwin)
  • Wonderful Life (Gould)
  • The Diversity of Life (E.O. Wilson)
  • Conversations with Neil's Brain (Calvin & Ojemann)
  • Fractal Geometry of Nature (Mandlebrot)
  • Molecular Design of Life (Lubert Stryer)

Astonomy/Physics/Materials Science

  • E=mc2 (Bodanis)
  • Cosmos (Sagan)
  • The First Three Minutes (Weinberg)
  • Relativity (Einstein)
  • A Brief History of Time (Hawking)
  • In Search of Schrodinger's Cat (Gribbin)
  • From Atoms to Quarks (Trefil) or any of Trefil's other books
  • Chaos (Gleick)
  • Waves and Beaches (Bascomb)
  • The Second Law (Atkins)
  • Designing the Molecular World (Phillip Ball)


  • The Autobiography of Ben Franklin (Franklin)
  • Marie Curie: A Life (Susan Quinn)
  • Force of Nature: The Life of Linus Pauling (Thomas Hager)

Miscellaneous Titles

  • The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Kuhn)
  • The Making of the Atomic Bomb (Rhodes)
  • Chemistry Imagined: Reflections on Science (Hoffman & Torrence)