Squalamine Homework Assignment - Individual Work Required

Squalamine is a substance that is gaining an increasing amount of publicity.  Answer the following questions to the best of your ability.  Use SciFinder (available on Dacus Library computers and Sims 211 computers) to obtain the requested chemical information.  Use internet resources to answer the other questions.
1.  Where is squalamine naturally found?
2.  What type of compound is squalamine?
3.  Identify five specific applications that squalamine would potentially be useful for.
4.  Recommend whether you would consider investing in businesses that focus on researching, developing, and selling squalamine products; fully support your answer by citing why based upon your research.
5.  Show the structure of the squalamine molecule by finding it through SciFinder and by pasting it into your document.
6.  How many total atoms and how many of each type (element) are there in one squalamine molecule?
7.  What is the molecular weight of squalamine?
8.  Estimate, with less than  50% error, how many squalamine molecules there would be in a aspirin sized (500 milligrams) squalamine tablet
9.  Is squalamine a gas, liquid, or solid at room temperature?  Explain why.
10. Does squalamine dissolve in water?
11. Is the squalamine molecule neutral or charged in an aqueous environment?  If charged, what type of charge and what part of the molecule is charged?

Squalamine is but one of over 20 million known types of substances.  This is what makes chemistry such an interesting and diverse subject!!