Molecular Modeling of acid-base and other properties.  This exercise will provide direct experience in using molecular modeling software to calculate wavefunctions for selected molecules and ions to obtain and to interpret information from quantum mechanical predictions of specific atomic properties to include bond distances, geometries, partial charges on individual atoms.  Spartan Student Software is available from any network PC on the Winthrop campus; it can be accessed via the Start, All Programs, Chemistry and Biology, and selecting the "Spartan ST" program to run.  Spartan should also automatically start once you download one of the spartan files that are linked below.

To use Spartan to conduct a quantum mechanical calculation,
Acid Form
Conjugate Base
Acetic Acid
Acetate Anion
Chloroacetic Acid
Chloroacetate Anion
Dichloroacetic Acid
Dichloroacetate Anion
Trichloroacetic Acid
Trichloroacetate Anion

Exercise Requirements