On-Line Chapter 2 Materials and Chapter Quiz
You are required to complete the "Dr. Owens Graded Chapter 2 Quiz." by
5:00 PM, Wednesday, September 11, the due date shown on the course
You will not be allowed to take the graded quiz until you have finished
the "Dr. Owens Chapter 2 Practice Assignment" The practice assignment
is in the same format as the graded quiz and can be taken as many times
as you would like.
In addition to the practice assignment, there are two tools to assist you
in studying and reviewing chapter 2.
The first is a "Dr. Owens Chapter 2 Study Session" that allows you be asked
repeated questions anonymously.
The second is the "Dr. Owens Chapter 2 Mastery Review" that asks a question
from each section and gives immediate feedback.
I will try to have these four formats (study session, mastery review, practice
assignment, and graded quiz) for each of the chapters we examine this semester,
so you will have the opportunity for plenty of practice prior to taking
the graded quiz..
I strongly recommend that you work on this as soon as possible and that
you complete the practice assignment at least one day before the quiz deadline.