Department of Chemistry, Physics, & Geology
Semester:  S 2022     Course: PHYS 321 - Materials Science     Periodic Table                 History of Periodic Table



Materials Covered

01-10 Introduction         Problem set-1   Problem set-2
01-12 Atomic Model      OpenStaxCh30  
01-19 Atomic Structure and Bonding               Ionization Energy     Quantum Numbers CH2 Hwk-1 
01-24 Atomic Structure and Bonding ctd CH2 Hwk-2
01-26 Crystal Structures                    Lattice Structurs video                                   
01-31 Density and  SC  FCC  BCC  HCP   APF   HCP c/a  Summary
02-02 Cubic Directions    Hexagonal Directions    14 BRAVAIS LATTICE   uvtw calculations HW on Directions
02-07 Crystallographic Planes Hwk on Planes
02-09 Linear and Planar Densities HW-5
02-14 Review for Test #1  
02-16 Test #1       Test#1 F19 Key  Test #1 S22     Test #1 S22 Answer Key
02-21 PP L Xrays       VL1Xrays         VL2 Xrays    Xrays Hwk1, Due 2/23/22
02-23  PP L Xray Diffraction      VL Xray Diffraction X-ray Diffraction Hwk, Due 3/1/22
02-28 MIT Lecture on X-ray Diffraction   X-Ray Diff Problem, Due 3/6/22

PP L Ch4 Point Defects

CH4 VL1    CH4 VL P1&3   CH4 VL Prob ctd  

Point Defects Hwk Due 3/10/22 
03-07  CH4 VL Composition     Compositions Hwk Due 3/13/22
03-09 Imperfections and Microscopy  VL on Imp and Microscopy
03-21 Ceramics: Structure & Properties    VL1 CH12    VL2 CH12 Ch12 Hwk, Due 3/24/22
03-23 Electrical Prop: Intrinsic Semiconduction:CH18   VL1  VL2 Ch18 Hwk1, Due 3/30/22
03-28 Electrical Properties ctdVL3CH18      VL4CH18 Extrinsic SC Hwk, Due 4/1/22 
03-30 Review for Test #2  
04-04 Test #2      Test#2 F19 Key  
04-06 Thermal Properties: Heat capacity and Thermal expansion Density Change due to exp and vacancy 
04-11 Thermal Properties: Conductivity and Stress HWK: Thermal Expansion
04-13 Magnetic Properties  
04-18 Magnetric Properties ctd..  
04-20 Review for Final  
 05-02 Final Exam:   Study Guide For Final