Department of Chemistry, Physics, & Geology
Course Syllabus

PHYS 101, Everyday Physics, Summer-D 2007, Course Schedule.

Professor: Dr. Ponn Maheswaranathan (Mahes)
Office: Sims 213-B, Phone: 323 4940
Office Hours: By appointment.  

Textbook: The Physics of Everyday Phenomena, W. Thomas Griffith, 5th Ed, McGraw Hill Publishing.

Course Description: PHYS 101 is an introductory physics course primarily intended for non-science majors. PHYS 102, Everyday physics laboratory is a co-requisite for this course. PHYS 101-102 can be used to meet the laboratory science requirement for non-science majors. Emphasis will be on conceptual introduction of introductory physics topics in mechanics, sound, heat, properties of matter, electricity, and magnetism.

Course Objectives: Students who successfully complete this course will be 
(1) conversant in fundamental concepts in mechanics, wave motion, electromagnetism, and optics, 
(2) able to apply the scientific methods of inquiry, 
(3) able to discuss the strengths and limitations of science in everyday life, 
(4) able to demonstrate an understanding of the history of scientific discovery, and 
(5) able to discuss the social and ethical contexts of science in technology and environmental issues.

Writing Component: The General Education Writing Component will be incorporated into this course by 
requiring writing assignments in PHYS 102. 

Class Attendance: Attendance will be taken. Good attendance & participation efforts are expected.

Students with Disabilities:
Winthrop University is dedicated to providing access to education. If you have a disability and need classroom accommodations, please contact Gena Smith, Coordinator, Services for Students with Disabilities, at 323-3290, as soon as possible. Once you have your professor notification, please tell me so that I am aware of your accommodations well before the first {test/paper/assignment}.

Grading: Three tests and Final are scheduled as follows:
Tests/Final Date %Grade
Test #1 07-16-07 20%
Test #2 07-23-07 20%
Test #3  07-30-07 20%
Participation   10%
Homework   10%
Final Exam  08-07-07 20%
TOTAL 100%

The above total points will be used to assign a letter grade, which will be very close to the following:
A: 90% or above     B: 80% or above     C: 70% or above     D: 60% or above     F: below 60%