course Syllabus
Department of Chemistry, Physics, & Geology
Summer A-2016 Course:
PHYS 101 (001) – Everyday Physics
Credit hours: 3
Dr. Ponn
Maheswaranathan (Mahes)
Course Schedule
Sims 213B, Phone: (803) 323- 4940
Office Hours: via BB Discussion Board
Textbook: The Physics of
Everyday Phenomena,
8th Edition, Griffith, McGraw Hill publishing.
Course Description: PHYS 101 is an introductory physics course primarily intended for non-science majors. PHYS 101 can be used to meet the natural science requirement for non-science majors. Emphasis will be on conceptual introduction of introductory physics topics in mechanics, sound, heat, properties of matter, and electricity.
Course Objectives:
University-Level Competency:
The Everyday Physics course introduces students to the role of scientific
reasoning in solving introductory physics problems (e.g., how automobile air
bags reduce injury during a collision, why the beach sand warms quicker than the
nearby water, and estimating the cost of electricity).
They will apply the scientific methodologies of inquiry during
demonstrations to predict outcomes and write well-reasoned conclusions. They
will also be introduced to the history of scientific discovery (e.g., topics and
devices are introduced with historical perspectives) and learn that the theories
in physics evolve into laws after continuous re-evaluations and arguments. In
addition they will see how the scientific advances made in a laboratory
transforms into useful technological devices (e.g., the development of the
transistor from vacuum tube to silicon chip).
General Education Requirements:
PHYS 101
fulfills three hours of general education requirement for natural sciences.
Listed below are the fundamental student learning outcomes (1 and 2,4,5,7) for
natural science courses as well as examples of how they will be fulfilled in
PHYS 101.
Upon completing this course, students will be:
1. Conversant
with the following introductory physics
concepts: mechanics,
sound, heat, properties of matter, electricity, magnetism, and optics. This
competency will be assessed using tests and final exam.
2. Able to apply the scientific methodologies of inquiry. (e.g., Home
experiments and Demonstrations are done where students will use scientific
methods of inquiry to predict outcomes and write reports). The students’ ability
to fulfill this requirement is assessed using their reports.
4. Able to demonstrate an understanding of the history of scientific discovery.
(e.g., topics and devices are introduced with historical perspectives). This
competency will be assessed using tests and final exam.
5. Able to discuss the social and ethical contexts within which science
operates. (e.g. environmental and health hazards of new devices and materials
and sharing of knowledge). This competency will be assessed using tests and
final exam.
7. Able to discuss the application of scientific knowledge to the social
sciences and to non-scientific disciplines. (e.g., application of technology in
everyday life). This competency will be assessed using essays on assigned
Writing Component:
The General Education Writing Component will be incorporated into this course
by requiring the following writing assignment: Essay (at least four pages)
and homework assignments (at least four pages).
Student Conduct Code:
The policy on student academic misconduct is outlined in the “Student Conduct
Code Academic Misconduct Policy” in the online
Student Handbook.
Syllabus change policy:
The instructor will make changes to this syllabus as deemed necessary for the
progression of the course.
Mastery quizzes (done online using the textbook website and collected online),
assignments (Blackboard), Writing (Blackboard), Mid Term (May 27, 2016) and Final Exam (June
3, 2016)
via Blackboard are scheduled as follows:
%Grade |
Mastery Quizzes (due dates are on Blackboard, collected online) |
10% |
Assignments (due dates are on Blackboard)
20% |
Writing, Essay, due 05-22, 2016.
10% |
Mid Term Exam, Chap 1-5, |
25% |
Final Exam, Comprehensive |
35% |
100% |
The above total will be used to assign a letter grade, which will be very close
to the following:
93%-100% = A 88%-92% = A-
85%-87% = B+
80%-84% = B 76%-79% = B-
72%-75% = C+
66%-71% = C
56%-65% = D 0%-55% = F