CHEM 105 Spring 2009

M/W 12:30-1:45          Instructor: Kristen Kull

Most recently updated:  April 15, 2009

This is a tentative schedule. The following list of chapters may be changed depending on time or class interest.  Assignments listed as HW include the problems listed prior to the assignment.


Date                 Lsn       Text Sec. & Probs.                               Assignments                            


1/12, M            1          Ch. 1: 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 21, 23                    Chapter 1 powerpoint

Tools of Quantitative Chemistry: 3,

15, 21, 55        Taking It Further with Math Mole_and_Mass_Relationships

1/14, W           2          Ch. 1, TIFw/MMMR

1/21, W           3          Ch. 1,2                                                

1/26, M            4          Ch. 2: 4,7,15                                        HW1, Quiz1 Chapter 2 powerpoint

1/28,W            5          Ch. 2:                                                   Key_WU_Chem105_quiz1_Sp09.doc

2/2, M              6          Ch. 2                                                    Sp09 Test 1 Work out problem review

2/4, W             7          Ch. 2                                                    Quiz 2, Key_WU_Chem105_quiz2_Sp09.doc

2/9, M              8          Ch. 1, 2                                                Test 1 Spring 2009 Chem105 Test 1 Topics/Study sheet

2/11, W           9          Ch. 2: 15,39,42,43,49,51                     Chapter 2b powerpoint                                                                                    

2/16, M            10        Ch. 2:                                                   Chapter 2d powerpoint

2/18, W           11        Ch. 3:  6,13,15,19,28a,29,35,             HW3, Key_Chem 105 Ch2_Quiz 3 Spring 09

2/23, M            12        Ch. 3   41,45,49,77,63,67,68b,69       Chapter 3a powerpoint

2/25, W           13        Ch. 3:                                                  

3/2, M              14        Ch  3                                       

3/4, W             15        Ch. 3                                       

3/9, M              16        Ch. 3

3/11, W           17        Ch. 3                                                    HW4, Key_Chem 105 Ch3_Quiz 4 Spring 09

Spring Break    Spring Break    Spring Break    Spring Break    Spring Break    Spring Break 

3/23, M            18        Ch. 3: Oxidation-Reduction                  HW4, Spring 2009 Chem105 Test 2 Topics/Study sheet

3/25,W            19        Ch. 2,3                                                 Chapter 3b powerpoint ,                                              

3/30, M            20                                                       

4/1, W             21        Ch. 4   2,6,8,9,12,15,                                     

4/6, M              22                                                                    Test 2  

4/8, W             23        Ch. 4   21,23,28,33,35,41,43,             HW5

4/13, M            24        Ch. 4   47,49,56,57,61,63,66,             HW6, Quiz 5

4/15, W           25        Ch. 4   69,70                                        HW 7, Quiz 6

Ch. 5   3,7,11,17,21,25,                      Spring 2009 Chem105 Test3 Topics/Study sheet

4/20, M            26        Ch. 4,5                                                 Quiz 7

4/22, W           27        Ch. 4                                                    Test 3

4/27, M            28        Ch 5                                                    Quiz 8

5/4, M              11:30   Ch. 1-5                                                FINAL