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Job DescriptionASR85416.1_tail_terminator_[Mycobacterium_phage_Cain]
Confidence20.48%DateMon Jun 7 16:50:02 BST 2021
Rank9Aligned Residues12
% Identity67%Templatec3kwrA_
PDB info PDB header:rna binding proteinChain: A: PDB Molecule:putative rna-binding protein; PDBTitle: crystal structure of putative rna-binding protein (np_785364.1) from2 lactobacillus plantarum at 1.45 a resolution
Resolution1.45 Å
Model Dimensions (Å)X:28.435 Y:22.396 Z:17.169

  Insertion relative to template
  Deletion relative to template
  Catalytic residue from the CSA
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Predicted Secondary structure 

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Query Sequence  VWITGAKHEFGP
Query Conservation 


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Template Conservation 


Template Sequence  VWITXADVQFGP
Template Known Secondary structure 

Template Predicted Secondary structure 

Template SS confidence 

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Please cite: The Phyre2 web portal for protein modeling, prediction and analysis
Kelley LA et al. Nature Protocols 10, 845-858 (2015) [paper] [Citation link]
© Structural Bioinformatics Group, Imperial College, London
Lawrence Kelley, Michael Sternberg 
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