Dalton Endowed Chair, Environmental Sciences and Studies

Professor of Geology 

313B Sims Science Building

Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC  29733


For information about the Environmental Program at Winthrop University (majors, courses, activities), please go to



Ph.D. in Geology, University of South Carolina, August 1986.

MS in Geology, University of South Carolina, May 1983.

BS in Geosciences: Geology and Geochemistry; Marine Sciences. Pennsylvania State Univ., May 1979.


HONORS: 1999 Recipient of Kinard Award for Excellence in Teaching, Winthrop University


TEACHINGI teach primarily within the Environmental Program at Winthrop University focusing on ENVS 101 (Introduction to Environmental Issues) and ENVS 520 (Senior Seminar in the Environment).  I occasionally teach GEOL 220 (Oceanography).  In the past I have taught many general education geology courses (Physical Geology, Earth Science, The Violent Earth, Marine Geology, Introductory Geochemistry, for instance).



Charette, M.A., R. Splivallo, C. Herbold, M. Bollinger, and W.S. Moore. (2003) Salt marsh submarine groundwater discharge as traced by radium isotopes, Marine Chemistry, 84, 113-121. 

Bollinger, M.S. and P. Phillips, 2003. A campus environmental audit: springboard for action, Proceedings of Greening of the Campus V. Ball State University.

 Richardson, D.S. and M.S. Bollinger, 2000, Instructor's Manual with Tests for Introductory, Oceanography, Ninth Edition (Thurman, H.V. and E.A. Burton), Prentice Hall.

 Bollinger, M.S. and W.S. Moore, 1993, Evaluation of salt marsh hydrology using radium as a tracer, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 57:2203-2212.

Sharma, P., L.R. Gardner, W.S. Moore, and M.S. Bollinger, 1987.  Sedimentation and bioturbation in a salt marsh as revealed by Pb-210, Cs-137, and Be-7 studies, Limnology and Oceanography, 2:313-336.

Bollinger, M.S. and W.S. Moore, 1984.  Radium fluxes from a salt marsh, Nature, 309:444-446. 


SELECTED PRESENTATIONS (with published abstracts)


Dillard, K., Bollinger, M.S., Brock, J., Armbruster, A., Revving up recycling in the dorms, panel presentation at Carolina Recycling Conference, Charlotte, NC, March 2004.

 Bollinger, M.S. and P. Phillips, 2003. A campus environmental audit: springboard for action, poster presented at Greening of the Campus V Conference, Muncie, IN, Sept. 2003.

Bollinger, M.S., H.E. Spencer, and Y.P. Cruz, SAT-M Scores and Grades in Introductory Biology and Chemistry, poster presented at 6th Nat’l Conf. on Students in Transition, Nov. 1999, St. Louis, MO

 Bollinger, M.S. and J. Chism, Science safari for girls: building self-esteem through science and math, Women Succeeding in the Sciences, April 1997, Sweet Briar College, VA 

Bollinger, M.S., 224 Ra in the pore water of a salt marsh, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, December 1988, San Francisco, CA


Bollinger, M.S., Dissolved radium in the tidal creeks of two salt marshes: the importance of groundwater, Ocean Sciences Meeting, American Geophysical Union, January 1988, New Orleans, LA


Bollinger, M.S., Radium isotopes in salt marsh and estuarine environments, Dissertations Symposium in Chemical Oceanography, February 1987, Honolulu, Hawaii


Bollinger, M.S., W.S. Moore, and T.M. Church, Biological cycling of radium in an estuary, Ocean Sciences Meeting, American Geophysical Union, January 1986, New Orleans, LA




Long-term monitoring of Winthrop Lake, Research proposal, Winthrop Univ. Research Council, June 2005 - May 2006, $1200.

Senior seminar in the environment, Instructional improvement grant, Winthrop Univ. Research Council, summer 2003, $1500.


Influence of rain events on water quality of small lakes, Research proposal, Winthrop Univ. Research Council, June 2003 - May 2004, $1250.

Improving Recycling in Residence Hall:  A Partnership, grant proposal to the SC Sustainable University Initiative, June 2003 - May 2004, $4700.


An environmental audit at Winthrop University, SC Sustainable Universities Initiative, co-principal investigator, June 2002 - May 2003, $6024.

Science safari for girls, SC Commission on Higher Education, Eisenhower grants program, project director, July 1995 - August 1997, $64,000.

 Science safari for girls, American Association of University Women, Community Action Grant, Rock Hill Branch, project director, July 1994 - June 1995, $1500.

 Estuarine adaptations and the ecological role of wading birds in South Carolina coastal ecosystems, SC Cutting Edge Program, co-principal investigator, July 1989 - June 1990, $45,525.

 Determination and removal of toxic heavy metals from wastewaters in SC, SC Cutting Edge Program, co-principal investigator, October 1988-June 1989, renewed July 1989 - June 1990, $34,900.

The effects of frequency of flooding in a salt marsh on pore water turnover rates, Research Opportunity Award, a supplement to NSF Long-Term Ecological Research grant, Univ. of  SC, 5/88 - 5/89, $15,533.