HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT #3                                                             TSUNAMIS

Due by 3 pm on Monday, June 29


You are the mayor of a low-lying coastal community along the Pacific Ocean.  How will you prepare your community for the possibility of a tsunami?  How can you best prepare the residents?  You may need to do some research on these topics!


Please describe your imaginary community, and lay out your plan for preventing as much loss of life as possible.   This might include such things as an ad campaign, regular educational events, changes in infrastructure, changes in zoning, etc.  Be as creative as you like, but your ideas should be grounded in what might be possible.  Your goal is to try to come up with the “best” plan for your community.  Note that you have not been told where your community is, other than it is along the coast of the Pacific Ocean.  You might want to examine data from Tsunami Warning Centers to help convince your population to take this all seriously. 


You will be graded both on your content (yes, you need to include some basic facts and relationships) and on your writing.  Use the rubric to guide you.