Homework #1, GEOL 220, Fall 2010                                                          Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

Due by 5:30 pm on Thursday, September 2


In late April 2010, a drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico experienced an explosion and sank.  Huge amounts of oil have been leaking into the Gulf of Mexico ever since.  Based on class discussion and on web sites such as http://www.eoearth.org/article/Deepwater_Horizon_oil_spill or

http://www.lsu.edu/ or http://www.restorethegulf.gov/ , please


(1)    explain how our knowledge of the oceans has been or will be used to monitor and recover from this disaster and

(2)    discuss the economic, ethical, and political ramifications that you feel will emerge in the next couple of years due to this event.